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About us

  湖州力通流体设备有限公司是从事物流设备开发、设计、制造、服务一体化的物流机械公司,公司产品主要包括通用的各式辊筒、滚筒、流利条、万向球、福来轮、杯型脚杯、电动辊筒、滚筒输送机、皮带输送机、网带输送机、链式输送机、板链输送机;各式专用提升设备、专用自动装卸设备、出入库系统物流机械设备。   本公司以市场需要为导向,科技开发为动力开拓市场,产品质量可靠,价格公道,交货及时,并提供优良的售后服务。广泛应用于电子、机械、轻工、食品、医药、仓储、物流配送等领域。   公司成立以来,秉承我们贯有的传统,以高品质、高效率的创业精神,坚持“人以诚为本,商以信为本”的原则,凭借品质的产品,和技术以优质的服务,为客户提供量身定做的完整解决方案和物流设备,赢得业界的信赖和支持。 Huzhou litong locates in Huzhou city, Zhejiang Province, integrating in design, manufacture delivery and assemble in the all sectors of dynamical mechanic equipment. As a leading company in this field, we provide a multiple inventive solutions to our costumers, help them from concept design all the way to delivery of our products to any after sales needs. We believe in getting to know our customers and listening to them to obtain a better understanding of their needs and their business. Your need is our responsibility, your trust is our fortune !